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Our mission is to assist the citizens of the Bainbridge and Auburn Communities who are in need of goods and services and to provide assistance for the general welfare of Bainbridge and Auburn Township. To the Club's members these are not lofty goals, but work that takes place on a regular basis.
Established on April 22, 1941, the Civic Club has contributed countless hours and donated a considerable amount of money to the Bainbridge Township and to Township residents in need. The civic club is comprised of men, 18 years and older who live or in Bainbridge or Auburn township.
Over the years our Club has funded purchases such as: night binoculars for the police department; resuscitation Annie for the fire department to use in CPR training; a freezer to store meats for Bainbridge Area Food for Friends; band uniforms; lights for the high school athletic field; water coolers, tables and chairs for the Town Hall; a flagpole; and a furnace.
On an individual level, the Club steps in to help the needy and to help people get back on their feet. The Club has paid utility bills, bought fuel oil, purchased needed appliances and even provided assistance to Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny!
Need is a key factor. "If you need something done, look to the Civic Club," is our attitude. We don't like to sit in committee meetings. The Club empowers committee members to evaluate requests of under $300 and act on them, rather then wait for a month or so to have several meetings. Higher expenditures can be authorized with permission of board members.
The Civic Club has supported the following organizations: Bainbridge Area Food for Friends; Settler's Park; 4-H Club; Boy Scout Troops; Girl Scout Troops; Geauga County Human Services; High School College Scholarships; Kenston Baseball Team; Kenston Field Experience; Kenston Music Boosters; Kenston Interact; Kenston Rally for Reading; Gardiner School Scholarship; Meals on Wheels; Chagrin Falls Park; Chagrin Valley Therapeutic Riding Center; Metzenbaum School; and United Way.
Started April 22, 1941. Founder and First President--Clyde H. Nichols; Vice President--A.J. Elsby; Secretary--Claude Howard; Treasurer--Albert Haskins
1954--Members started Kenston Athletic Boosters
1955--Club raised funds for lighting of High School football field
1964--Former President Fred Lindoro won 1st place Chardon Maple Syrup Contest. Howard Taylor, long-time member had Sugar Bush on Haskins Road.
1952--Pancake Breakfast started, generally the last three Sundays before Palm Sunday.
1986--First year offered scholarships. Spaghetti dinner started (in 1997 changed event to Taste of Bainbridge).
1991--Club started assisting Spirit of Bainbridge Food for Friends. In 1994, became cosponsors and coordinated Food Pantry beginning in 2000. John and Anne Bauswein still strongly support the operation.
1997--Taste of Bainbridge cosponsored with Bainbridge Area Food for Friends. Since 1997 the Club has given five scholarships each year.
2012--Annual Community Ox Roast started, occurs in August.
2013--Impact Award created to recognize local individuals or groups who demonstrate a valuable and sustained commitment to the community, selfless service, dependability, and a passion with purpose.
Copyright © 2024 Bainbridge Civic Club - All Rights Reserved. The Bainbridge Civic Club is a nonprofit, tax exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is a registered Non-Profit Organization in Ohio. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.